(Cr. QAF中文站 )
Alexander Mcqueen Project
Tom of Finland 芬蘭的湯姆
生田斗真飾演不認同自己生來的男性身份,一直以女性身份示人的主人公凜子,凜子的戀人牧夫由桐谷健太飾演,影片著重描繪了凜子與牧夫帶著牧夫被母親拋棄的侄女小友一起的同居生活,在片中少女小友一角將由首次參演電影的柿原凜香出演。 預定明年2/25上映
Call Me by Your Name 請以你的名字呼喚我
Bohemian Rhapsody 波西米亞狂想曲
Secret Sky 秘密天空
印度女導演Leena Yadav將執導一部改編自真實故事的電影,講述同性戀青少年在伊朗的遭遇,片名暫定為「秘密天空」(Secret Sky)。
Simon vs the Homosapien Agenda 西蒙和他的出櫃日記
莫名其妙「被出櫃」其實並未替西蒙帶來太多困擾,除了少數人不識相地惡作劇外,他的家人、朋友都給予支持,連陌生的同學也會給主動擁抱並安慰。唯一讓他不安的是,他的真實身分曝光,而小藍似乎並非之前猜想的凱爾,究竟小藍是誰?真實身分又會對西蒙和小藍的曖昧友情產生什麼影響? (節錄博客來書籍介紹)
Seat In Shadow
Out of the imagination of acclaimed artist-filmmaker Henry Coombes comes Albert, an eccentric, aging painter doubling as an unconventional, Jung-inspired psychotherapist. When Albert’s friend asks him to counsel her lethargic grandson Ben, whose ongoing boyfriend problems are rapidly fueling an already deep depression, their subsequent therapy sessions reveal as much about Albert as they do about the troubled young man. Coombes’ debut feature is a witty, perceptive study of social mores, sexual excess and the bizarre, symbiotic relationship between doctor and patient; teacher and pupil; artist and muse.
An aimless teenager on the outer edges of Brooklyn struggles to escape his bleak home life and navigate questions of self-identity, as he balances his time between his delinquent friends, a potential new girlfriend, and older men he meets online.
《Beach Rats》繼在《感覺愛》中探討青少年女孩對於性與自我認同的成長歷程後,這次則將焦點轉往青少年的男孩身上,且再度的聚焦在性與自我認同的層面之上。《Beach Rats》劇情描寫一位名為 Frankie 的少年,在布魯克林邊緣郊區中過著漫無目的且悽涼的夏日。Frankie 面對父親的死亡以及母親不斷要求他交女朋友的壓力而逃離家中。逃家後的 Frankie 與他有犯罪紀錄的朋友惹上麻煩,且和一名年長的男子在網路上調情。越趨沉溺於視訊以及網聊的 Frankie 終於開始在附近的海邊與男人們勾搭,卻同時與一名女孩維持著謹慎的感情關係。 (出處:影劇圈圈)
Following the death of his young son, Brad O’Connor becomes obsessed with a young Jamaican man online, eventually leading to a confrontation he and his wife can no longer avoid.
Palace of Fun
During a heat-wave in Brighton, a mysterious drifter comes between a rich brother and sister. Coming soon from TLA Releasing.
Since its inception in 2001, TLA Releasing has been devoted to providing the best in independent cinema for LGBT audiences. With offices in Philadelphia and London, and partnership in France (Optimale/TLA), TLA Releasing is a global leader in LGBT entertainment.
4 Days
4 Days tells the story of two college friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on – and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love – and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is achingly romantic and delicate.
Since its inception in 2001, TLA Releasing has been devoted to providing the best in independent cinema for LGBT audiences. With offices in Philadelphia and London, and partnership in France (Optimale/TLA), TLA Releasing is a global leader in LGBT entertainment.
You Can’t Escape Lithuania Trailer [Nuo Lietuvos nepabėgsi] 愛與恨的立陶宛
After his star actress, Indre, murders her mother, rich-kid filmmaker Romas plans her escape from Lithuania. His Mexican boyfriend Carlos helps them reluctantly. On the road, Romas begins shooting an improvised experimental film. As events take an unexpected turn, their secrets, memories and emotions make this journey wilder than any film Romas could have imagined.
Hazlo Como Hombre 還我本色
Kept Boy 寵物男孩
Interior designer and reality show star Farleigh Knock has a knack for keeping beautiful things, including Adonis-like Dennis, around his home. So when Farleigh gives him an unthinkable ultimatum for his 30th birthday–to get a job or get out–Dennis goes from Kept Boy to Lost Man. George Bamber directs this dark gay comedy that shows life with a sugar daddy is bittersweet….
Screwed (orig. Pihalla) is a Finnish drama film, where seventeen year olds Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.
Rökkur 裂谷
After Louie 路易之後
After Louie follows Sam (Alan Cumming), an artist and activist who lived through the early years of HIV/AIDS — a man scarred and still struggling with survivor’s guilt. Cemented into an oppressive past, he is bewildered by a younger generation of carefree gay men with their uninhibited use of social media, sexting, and seeming political indifference. But when he meets the seductive young Braeden (Zachary Booth) at a bar late one night, their pants quickly come down and, eventually, so does Sam’s ossified guard. As the pair become increasingly intimate, an intergenerational relationship blossoms between them-one capable of reawakening Sam’s artistic soul and reviving his wilted heart.
片中由卡明飾演的角色Max和由紮克瑞·佈斯 (Zachary Booth) 所飾演的Braeden之間的關系就像是一年中的兩個季節,一個是春天,一個是秋天。
Johnny Saxby works long hours in brutal isolation on his family’s remote farm in the north of England. He numbs the daily frustration of his lonely existence with nightly binge-drinking at the local pub and casual sex. When a handsome Romanian migrant worker arrives to take up temporary work on the family farm, Johnny suddenly finds himself having to deal with emotions he has never felt before. An intense relationship forms between the two which could change Johnny’s life forever.
Starring JOSH O’CONNOR (The Riot Club, Florence Foster Jenkins, Peaky Blinders) & ALEX SECAREANU with IAN HART (Land & Freedom, Harry Potter & The Philosophers Stone, Boadwalk Empire’& GEMMA JONES (Bridget Jones, Harry Potter, Sense & Sensibility)
I Dream In Another Language 囈夢別語
男狐聊齋2 – 蘭若寺
《Double Mints》
聽到這聲音,擁有相同讀音名字的壹河光夫,想起了從前微薄的記憶。被遺忘的過去,在光夫的胸口裡重燃熱情。以共犯者的身分再度相會的兩人,主僕關係也慢慢地改變,成為新的關係……。將於 6/3 上映
ウリ専と共に・・・それは、男性にセックスを売る主にストレートの男の子・・・彼らが如何にして雇われたか、その職務や生活状況、彼らの体験が今、明らかとなる。 東京・新宿二丁目を舞台に、売春行為は江戸時代より今日へと続く。
Boys are selling sex in Japan. Who is buying?
In the Tokyo district of Shinjuku 2-chome there are bars that specialize in “Urisen”, young guys who have sex with men. Featuring candid interviews and interspersed with animation detailing the awkward, sweet, and sometimes horrific situations these young sex workers experience, the boys for sale boldly tell their stories of life in the Tokyo underground. This documentary is an illuminating look into a rarely seen world that tantalizingly shows the humanity of sex work.
걱정말아요 不要擔心 Don’t Worry
韓國導演蘇俊文、金炫、申鐘勛執導的酷兒題材獨立電影《不要擔心》(걱정말아요 )1月5日上映,由鄭智順、李詩厚、權基河、李俊向、高媛熙等人主演。影片講述了三個關於愛、渴望和理解的故事。
어느 여름날 밤에 One Summer Night 那天夏夜
Yong-jun 跟 Jae-sung 身為朝鮮人民軍一員,
I LOVE YOU ตรงกลางระหว่างรัก
ตัวอย่าง รักของเรา the moment
戀愛完成式 PRESENT PERFECT – แค่นี้ก็ดีแล้ว
★2017 曼谷國際電影節 世界首映
★2017 阿姆斯特丹同志影展
►金獎新銳導演 阿努孫薛薩尼 改編自身真實經歷的同名人氣短片之長篇新作,日本、泰國跨國合力打造年度最佳約會電影
►失戀萌弟X貼心暖男 怦然心跳卻又點到為止的男男甜蜜互動,絕對讓(腐)女孩們尖叫、男孩們羨慕!
泰劇《U-prince Series》阿迪孫塔那瓦尼
คนขับรถ DRIVER 老司機
Driver is a Thai drama film with a touch of erotic and thriller starring Prama Imanotai, Puri Hiranprueck, Patipol Nakhaprasertkul and Sita Chutipaworakarn. The film is written and directed by Thitipan Raksasat. The executive producer is Patomkrit Sudsara. Driver will be in theatre on 29 June 2017.
Driver is a story of Kade (Sita Chutipaworakarn) searching for her husband, Tae (Puri Hiranprueck) who disappears after a trip to Korea. Kade asks her police friend, Tum (Patipol Nakhaprasertkul) who believes that Tae takes a longer trip without telling her so he advises her to wait for a few more days. Kade can’t wait any longer so she asks Mac (Prama Imanotai), her husband’s driver to take her to his office where she later finds electricity bill for the house she never knows he has. Kade has Mac drive her to the house hoping to find her dearest husband there. Tracking down for Tae reveals the secrets which haunt Kade for the rest of her life as she can no longer trust anyone ever again.
2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten